Income Strategy Session:

Our main goal with our creative planning wealth management is to evaluate and design a plan that allows you to continue living the lifestyle you desire to live with the nest egg you have built. We believe that a solid retirement income strategy is the best way to have that assurance – for everyone.

We know that the circumstances of life can change. As a financial planning specialist, our goal is to be here to work with you over the long term. We know that your retirement strategies must continue to provide the level of income you need throughout your life. So, even if things change, we’re here to help you update your strategy.

Personal Financial Specialists at our firm are committed to understanding your unique financial situation and crafting strategies that align with your goals. We recognize the challenges small business owners face and offer creative solutions to optimize wealth accumulation and protection.

As a reputable financial planning firm, our expertise extends to individuals in various life stages. Whether you are a healthy, active individual planning for retirement, a senior facing medical challenges, or an adult child managing finances, our goal is to provide personalized strategies that address your specific needs.

The majority of our clients fall into one or more of the categories below. Determining which category you fall into will help know better which strategy will work best.

Which of the following would you say is closest to your current situation?

  • A healthy, active person planning retirement around the things they love... Whatever your hobby or passion, you want to feel confident that you have the income to support your lifestyle. Our financial planner retirement specialist can help you feel assured that you will have that income. As part of this group, your strategy should stress stability, income, and the possibility of asset growth.

  • Seniors facing medical issues that will impact their retirement decisions... Unless you’ve been there, it’s difficult to imagine the devastation of a life-altering diagnosis. Concern for medical bills can be an ongoing factor. We can help you arrange for steady, lifetime income** and principal protection. What’s more, there are annuity contracts or riders** that provide increased income* – potentially double or triple – for qualifying healthcare conditions.

  • Adult children who hold Power of Attorney (POA) for a parent or those with an adult child who will manage your finances eventually... Whether you’re a child holding a Power of Attorney, or a parent planning to turn over control in the coming years, there are many considerations regarding the goals and assets involved. As your personal financial specialist, we can streamline that discovery process. We will work with you to address many of your concerns. We want you to enjoy the time you get to spend with your family.

  • Widowed or single seniors who are very independent... This group is diverse, but one thing most seniors have in common is that they do not want to become dependent on their families or friends in case of disability or other economic challenges. You worked hard all your life, have been a provider, and are not comfortable with the idea of relying on others. We understand independence and can help design strategies that provide for guaranteed* and steady lifetime income, The financial planning for small business owners is designed to help ease your mind and more confidently position yourself for the future.

What's Your Next Step?

Identify your category and contact us for a free financial planner consultation. Press the "Click to Call" button above to connect with us today. 

Determine Your Strategy and Reach out to us.

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We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800 MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.